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Reprocessing is a high-level drawing library, inspired by Processing, allowing you to write code that'll run on the web (using WebGL) and natively (using OpenGL).

Getting Started

npm install schmavery/reprocessing


open Reprocessing;

let setup = (env) => {
  Env.size(~width=200, ~height=200, env);

let draw = (_state, env) => {
  Draw.background(Constants.black, env);
  Draw.fill(Constants.red, env);
  Draw.rect(~pos=(50, 50), ~width=100, ~height=100, env)

run(~setup, ~draw, ());


npm run build

This will draw a simple red square on a black background. Compare this to reglexampleproject, which takes 200+ lines to do the exact same thing. This difference is even more notable on bigger projects. Check out the code for a draggable red square.

Projects using Reprocessing