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module Constants : RGLConstants

type strokeCapT = | Round | Square | Project

type rectModeT = | Corner | Center | Radius

type glState = Reasongl.Gl.Window.t

type glCamera = {projectionMatrix: Reasongl.Gl.Mat4.t}

type colorT = {r: float, g: float, b: float, a: float}

type styleT = { strokeColor: option(colorT), strokeWeight: int, strokeCap: strokeCapT, fillColor: option(colorT), tintColor: option(colorT), rectMode: rectModeT }

type mouseT = { mut pos: (int, int), mut prevPos: (int, int), mut pressed: bool }

module KeySet : Set.Make

type keyboardT = { mut keyCode: keycodeT, mut pressed: KeySet.t, mut released: KeySet.t, mut down: KeySet.t }

type frameT = {count: int, rate: int, deltaTime: float}

type sizeT = { mut height: int, mut width: int, mut resizeable: bool }

let vertexSize = int

type _imageT = { framebuffer: option(Reasongl.Gl.framebufferT), texture: Reasongl.Gl.textureT, height: int, width: int }

type imageT = { mut glData: option(_imageT), mut drawnTo: bool }

type soundLoadStatusT = | Loading | ShouldPlay(float, bool) | Loaded(Reasongl.Gl.Audio.t)

type soundT = Pervasives.ref(soundLoadStatusT)

type batchT = { vertexArray: Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.t( float, Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.float32_elt ), elementArray: Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.t( int, Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.int16_unsigned_elt ), mut vertexPtr: int, mut elementPtr: int, mut currTex: option(Reasongl.Gl.textureT), nullTex: Reasongl.Gl.textureT }

type glEnv = { camera: glCamera, window: Reasongl.Gl.Window.t, gl: Reasongl.Gl.contextT, vertexBuffer: Reasongl.Gl.bufferT, elementBuffer: Reasongl.Gl.bufferT, aVertexColor: Reasongl.Gl.attributeT, aTextureCoord: Reasongl.Gl.attributeT, aVertexPosition: Reasongl.Gl.attributeT, pMatrixUniform: Reasongl.Gl.uniformT, uSampler: Reasongl.Gl.uniformT, batch: batchT, keyboard: keyboardT, mouse: mouseT, mut style: styleT, mut styleStack: list(styleT), mut frame: frameT, mut matrix: array(float), mut matrixStack: list(array(float)), size: sizeT }

module Stream

This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

type t = (string, int)

let empty = list('a)

let peekch = t => option(char)

let popch = t => t

let peekn = ((string, int), int) => option(string)

let skipWhite = t => t

let popn = (('a, int), int) => ('a, int)

let match_ = ((string, int), string) => (string, int)

let charsRemaining = (string, int) => int

let create = string => t

let read = string => string

let append_char = (string, char) => string

let split = (string, ~sep: char) => list(string)