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let getProgram = ( ~context: Reasongl.Gl.contextT, ~vertexShader: string, ~fragmentShader: string ) => option(Reasongl.Gl.programT)

let createCanvas = (Reasongl.Gl.Window.t, int, int) => glEnv

let drawGeometry = ( ~vertexArray: Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.t( float, Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.float32_elt ), ~elementArray: Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.t( int, Reasongl.Gl.Bigarray.int16_unsigned_elt ), ~mode: int, ~count: int, ~textureBuffer: Reasongl.Gl.textureT, glEnv ) => unit

let flushGlobalBatch = glEnv => unit

let maybeFlushBatch = ( ~texture: option(Reasongl.Gl.textureT), ~el: int, ~vert: int, glEnv ) => unit

let addRectToGlobalBatch = ( glEnv, ~bottomRight: (float, float), ~bottomLeft: (float, float), ~topRight: (float, float), ~topLeft: (float, float), ~color: colorT ) => unit

let drawTriangle = ( glEnv, (float, float), (float, float), (float, float), ~color: colorT ) => unit

let drawLineWithMatrix = ( ~p1: (float, float), ~p2: (float, float), ~matrix: array(float), ~color: colorT, ~width: float, ~project: bool, glEnv ) => unit

let drawArc = ( glEnv, (float, float), float, float, float, float, bool, array(float), colorT ) => unit

let drawEllipse = ( glEnv, (float, float), float, float, array(float), colorT ) => unit

let drawArcStroke = ( glEnv, (float, float), float, float, float, float, bool, bool, array(float), colorT, int ) => unit

let loadImage = (glEnv, string, bool) => imageT

let loadImageFromMemory = (glEnv, string, bool) => imageT

let drawImage = ( _imageT, ~p1: (float, float), ~p2: (float, float), ~p3: (float, float), ~p4: (float, float), ~subx: int, ~suby: int, ~subw: int, ~subh: int, glEnv ) => unit

let drawImageWithMatrix = ( _imageT, ~x: int, ~y: int, ~width: int, ~height: int, ~subx: int, ~suby: int, ~subw: int, ~subh: int, glEnv ) => unit

let drawImageWithMatrixf = ( _imageT, ~x: float, ~y: float, ~width: float, ~height: float, ~subx: int, ~suby: int, ~subw: int, ~subh: int, glEnv ) => unit

let resetSize = (glEnv, int, int) => unit

let createImage = (int, int, glEnv) => imageT

let drawOnImage = (imageT, glEnv, glEnv => 'a) => unit

let clearImage = (imageT, glEnv) => unit