• A Polygon is a 2-dimensional planar region, delimited by an exterior boundary (the shell) and zero or more interior boundaries (holes).

    Each boundary is a LinearRing. A LinearRing is a LineString which is both closed and simple. The first and last points must be equal, and the line must not self-intersect.

    Type Parameters

    • TName extends string


    Returns PgCustomColumnBuilder<{
        columnType: "PgCustomColumn";
        data: Polygon;
        dataType: "custom";
        driverParam: string;
        enumValues: undefined;
        name: TName;


    `POLYGON ((0 0 0,4 0 0,4 4 0,0 4 0,0 0 0),(1 1 0,2 1 0,2 2 0,1 2 0,1 1 0))`



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